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February 05, 2010MapSphere v.0.98 beta (build 175)
1.Feature Communities were divided into Groups and Trips according to their purposes.
2.Feature Groups are used to limit GPS visibility to a group of people. Each Group has got its own blog and chat.
3.Feature MapSphere "Trip" is a description of somebody's trip (walk, journey, and so on) with photos, tracks, chat, blog, and trip plan.
4.Change Some features were disabled in this version (like Tutorial or Trip Playback). They will be restored shortly.
5.Feature New menu sections were added: Maps (for mapping data management), Online (for MapSphere Online features), and Trip (to manage your trips).
6.Feature Use Online | Connect to log into MapSphere Online.
7.Feature Now you can create a new trip from within the MapSphere application. Choose Trip | Create...
8.Feature Trip photos are downloaded and uploaded up to 10 times faster now. A special internet protocol was created for these purposes.
9.Feature The distance and speed can now be displayed in nautical miles and knots (respectively).
10.Feature Coordinates can be displayed in the UTM system (see Tools | Options).
11.Feature Automatic track file format detection is now available. To make it work choose "All files" when opening track.
12.Feature Google KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file format is now supported for tracks.
13.Improvement Tracks are loaded in a separate thread without blocking the user interface.
14.Improvement Now any track can be saved. In the previous version tracks that were loaded from a disk could not be saved.
15.Improvement The latest used folders are kept separately for each data type (tracks or data plugins) in "Open file" dialogs.
16.Improvement The Online Status indicator (on the status bar) shows more details.
17.Improvement User icons were updated. Authorized and non-authorized users are displayed differently.
18.Improvement Now you can click your offline contact on the map (displayed as a gray circle) to get the same local menu as for other users.
19.Improvement If you try to log in while your previous session is not terminated, the attempt to reconnect is performed automatically.
20.Improvement Now you can copy your current coordinates to clipboard from the Position Info pane.
21.Improvement In the View menu you can select or hide any of the Information panes.
22.Improvement Starting from this version the pane layout should not refresh after the application is updated.
23.Improvement Baud rate 38400 is now supported for GPS connection.
24.Change The Online Privacy options are temporarily unavailable in MapSphere. You can set them on the site.
25.Fixed GPS connection was not stable for some GPS receivers.
26.Fixed Online track stopped updating if there were no new GPS fix for 1 minute or more even after a GPS fix appeared later.
27.Fixed Sometimes the application hung or crashed on exit. Several possible reasons of this bug were eliminated.
28.Fixed The mapping data settings were saved incorrectly on Windows Vista.
29.Fixed The contents of some panes disappeared after pressing <Alt> + <F4>, <Enter>, or <Esc> key.
30.Fixed Sometimes a wrong mouse cursor was displayed while viewing photos on the map.
31.Fixed The application could crash while processing user login and password.
32.Fixed When saving track in GPX format the extension was not added to the filename.
33.Fixed It was possible to drag trip photos of another user.

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