1. | Feature
| Now you can select distinct map layers in the main, overview and detailed map windows. Right-click anywhere in the auxiliary map window to activate the map selection menu. You can either choose a specific map source or keep the view synchronized with the main map.
2. | Feature
| The Tutorial was updated according to the latest changes in MapSphere.
3. | Feature
| Now a separate thread is used to save tracks. You can continue working while they are saved.
4. | Change
| The Privacy page was restored in the Options dialog.
5. | Change
| If you click on a thumbnail on the map, the large photo is downloaded if necessary.
6. | Change
| A number of minor changes in the user interface.
7. | Fixed
| The menu item "Online | Open My Page" did not work.
8. | Fixed
| File filter was not correct for OziExplorer track files.
9. | Fixed
| If at least one of the auxiliary map was close MapSphere would not start.
10. | Fixed
| Sometimes the context menu did not appear in the chat window.
11. | Fixed
| The information on a trip and its photos was not properly updated in case of changes.
12. | Fixed
| The date strings could be duplicated in the chat window.
13. | Fixed
| Chat history was not loaded if there was a message written by a deleted user.
14. | Fixed
| Your username was a link in the chat window.
15. | Fixed
| If an authorized user connected again as anonymous, his/her map context menu was incorrect.
16. | Fixed
| Envelope icon indicating unread chat messages were not displayed for trips and groups.
17. | Fixed
| The contact/group/trip list could scroll away on chat update.